Making the best of a pandemic

It is now July and the end of COVID-19 is no where in sight. You might be thinking to yourself “where did the time go?” I was supposed to get so much more accomplished. I thought I would write my CMP, learn a new language, take up guitar, or even start exercising. You are not alone if you haven’t done any of these things, but it is not too late! Here a few tips for those of you with a little extra time on your hands.

  1. Set your intention or goals at the beginning of the day.

When you wake up, write down 3 things that you want to accomplish for the day. They do not have to be major. For example, it can be - creating an account with EIC. Do not try and take on too much at once, keep moving the needle day by day and don’t get overwhelmed by thinking too far ahead.

  1. If you are studying for the CMP – carve out time

If you are set to write the CMP, you need to carve out a little (or a lot) of time each day. Make a work back schedule from your exam date and figure out what you need to do each day. If you haven’t already, download the CMP Pocket Prep App and do a few questions each day when you have a minute.

  1. If you have been furloughed, don’t stress

Things will come back, so don’t worry. Try to enjoy the summer as best you can – you will be working again. Set some time to do a bit of job searching each day and don’t get discouraged – it is a strange time to be looking for work and interviewing – you are not alone!

  1. Take a step back

I read a great article the other day talking about how great it was to bike now that more cars are off the road. It made me think of all the changes that COVID have forced us into and what will be here to stay for the long term. Try and remember – we are living through a pandemic and cut yourself some slack. Now that your travel schedule is likely nonexistent, take some time every day to enjoy some quiet, inward thinking mindfulness.

  1. Relationships are still important

It is easy to just put on another Netflix episode, but don’t forget to continue to manage your relationships through this pandemic. This does not mean having to have 1001 zoom calls, it just means don’t forget to reach out with an email, note, or even a quick phone call (just voice). Managing these will be key to an easy transition back to “normal”


However you are managing through this pandemic, don’t worry you likely aren’t the only one. Try and enjoy the summer but remember its not too late to take advantage of this time!