March's Meeting Protocol Monthly Podcast: Teresa Gitomer

If you're mystified by how to find the perfect speaker for your event, ⁠Teresa Gitomer⁠ of ⁠HeyRed Speakers Agency⁠ is here to help! This self-described "professional networker" shares AI tools that can help you work smarter, why speaker agencies are still relevant, and advice for a better way to build your network.  

Listen on Spotify.

HeyRED⁠ was inspired by decades of people shouting, "Hey Red" to catch ⁠Teresa Gitomer⁠'s attention when in a crowded room. Teresa's career spans over 30 years in sales, marketing, customer service, leadership, communication, negotiating, and consulting.
In this episode, Teresa mentions her favorite AI tools ⁠Fathom⁠ & ⁠Dripify⁠